Prophetic Focus for June: Our Month of Success


Our Lord has made it possible for us to come into another Miracle Month that He has made for us to rejoice and be glad in it. 

Psalm 118:24  (NKJV)
24 This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

This month, you, your family shall continue to have reasons to rejoice and be glad in Jesus name. 

As we continue to journey through the Year of Miracles, it is important that we live a life of expectation that things will work out for our good in the end. The signs are clear for us to see that the God of miracles is at work for and in us. But there is a part for us to play;

Philippians 2:13 (NLV)
13 He is working in you. God is helping you obey Him. God is doing what He wants done in you

God is working in you and your role is to obey him. God is up to something super and unique. Your obedience must be pure, genuine, full of wisdom that is from God, not the opinion or the advise of men and women. I encourage you to search that true wisdom in His word this month. 

Our focus this month will be on the Word of God to search out instructions that lead our lives, families, ministries and business to success. Therefore the month of June is declared our month of SUCCESS.

Our anchor scripture for the month is : 

This month we shall be teaching on ‘Super Successful Life’

Make it a time with the Word daily and with the church weekly.
The order of your life is Glory.

It is working…

Pastor Abraham Great



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Christ the Sower Ecumenical Primary School

24 Singleton Drive, Grange Farm,
Milton Keynes, MK8 0PZ  
[email protected]

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